
A gadget is a device that has a purpose and a specific function. The gadgets usually have a more ingenious than the current design technology.

It has been given the name of gadget or also called widget to new category mini applications, which were designed to improve services, an application, provide information or any type of interaction of a computer. This is done through the World Wide Web, for example an extension of a business application that provides us with real-time information on the status of the business or organization. They are commonly called gadgets to portable electronic devices such as PDAs, mobiles, smartphones, mp3 players, among others. In other words, it's electronic jargon.

Although in Spanish it is used in technological circles due to the influence of English, and the dictionary of neologisms of Manuel Seco includes it as an electronic device, it is not included in the DRAE of the Royal Spanish Academy. The dictionary of use of Maria Moliner collects it without that more modern meaning.

Also, the Oxford English Dictionary, based on anecdotal sources, dates it in the 1850s, possibly from the French gachette, a lock mechanism, or gagee by tool. The first printed gadget appearance is from 1886, in a book by Robert Brown, Spunyarn and Spindrift, reflecting its use by sailors to refer to an object whose name they do not remember.

On the other hand, the term gadget acquires specific meaning in the field of psychoanalysis, when during the second half of the 20th century, the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacanit goes on to use it to refer to the objects of consumption produced and offered as "desires" by capitalist logic, in which scientific knowledge and technologies in general are included.